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Развитие речи у детей раннего возраста

Развитие речи у детей раннего возраста

Ранний возраст является периодом, особенно благоприятным для освоения речи. Бурное развитие речи в дошкольном периоде связано с предметной деятельностью ребенка.

На втором году жизни у ребенка возрастает интерес ко всему окружающему: он хочет все увидеть, познать, взять в руки. Эти желания превышают возможности ребенка, и он вынужден обратиться за помощью к взрослому. Однако имеющихся средств общения (жесты, мимика, отдельные слова) ребенку уже не хватает, чтобы быть понятым, чтобы его возросшая потребность в общении была удовлетворена. Возникает противоречие, которое разрешается путем возникновения новой формы общения – активной самостоятельной речи. Этот скачок в развитии происходит обычно в возрасте от 1 года 5 месяцев до 2 лет.

Переход к самостоятельной речи – важный этап во всем психическом развитии ребенка. Прежде всего, это переход от младенческого к раннему возрасту.

Второе полугодие второго года жизни характеризуется интенсивным развитием словаря ребенка (к 1 году 8 месяцам он достигает 100 слов, к 2 годам – свыше 300 слов).

Исследование, проведенное белорусским психологом Р. И. Водейко, показало, что развитие словаря ребенка представляет собой процесс неравномерного накопления различных категорий слов: «Слов-предметов у ребенка всегда больше, чем слов-действий; слов-отношений больше, чем слов-признаков».

В словаре детей 3-го года жизни, по данным В. В. Гербовой, преобладают существительные, обозначающие средства передвижения, предметы обихода и объекты живой природы. При этом пассивный словарь выше активного в 1,2 - 1,3 раза.

На протяжении раннего возраста словарь ребенка усложняется – многозначность слова сменяется более высокой устойчивостью, ярко выражена предметная отнесенность слова.

Кроме быстро растущего словаря конец 2-го года жизни характеризуется усвоением грамматического строя предложений. В этом процессе А. Н. Гвоздев (1961) выделяет два периода: от 1 года 3 месяцев до 1 года 10 месяцев и от 1 года 10 месяцев до 3 лет.

Первый – это период предложений, состоящих из аморфных слов – корней, которые во всех случаях употребляются в одном неизменном виде.

Здесь отчетливо выделяется стадия однословного предложения ( 1 год 3 месяца - 1 год 8 месяцев) и стадия двух-трехсловных предложений.

Первые предложения ребенка являются однословными и имеют несколько разновидностей:

  1. предложение – наименование предмета типа назывного (дядя, папа);
  2. предложение – обращение, выражающее преимущественно просьбу, желание (баби-баби-баби, тэта-тэта, тата);
  3. предложение, выражаемое каким- либо междометием или автономным словом (чик-чик, ам-ам). Очень часто это глагольные формы (спать, кушать).

А. Н. Гвоздев (1961) отмечал, что слова-предложения по своему значению представляют законченное целое, выражающее какое-либо сообщение. Но высказывание тем отличается от слова, что слово только называет предмет, а высказывание отражает ситуацию. Дети говорят о том, что делают, видят, что в данный момент происходит. Таким образом, однословные предложения можно отнести к ситуативной речи. Она понятна собеседнику только при учете жестов, движений, мимики, интонации.

Появление двухсловного предложения вызвано новыми потребностями, возникшими как результат противоречия между прежней формой речевого общения и необходимостью ребенка более точно выразить свои желания. А. А. Леушина (1941) описывает такой случай. Девочка ( 1 год 7 месяцев) просит мать поиграть с ней, выражая это словами «ма-ми..., мами..., мами!». И когда ее просьба остается без ответа, ребенок неожиданно говорит: «Мами, игай!» (играй), «Мами, гиди!» (гляди).

Второй период в овладении грамматикой – это период усвоения грамматической структуры предложения, связанный с формированием грамматических категорий и их внешнего выражения. Он характеризуется быстрым ростом разных типов простого и сложного предложений, усвоением служебных слов. К трем годам ребенок овладевает почти всеми падежами и всеми предметными отношениями, которые с их помощью выражаются. Например:

Где моя мама? Почему слон живет в лесу? Я севоня купила в магазине для Кати не зеленые, не синие, не желтые, а прямо красные туфельки! (из дневника А. Д. Салаховой).

На первом этапе развития речь ребенка ситуативна. Так как она тесно связана с практической деятельностью, осуществляемой совместно со взрослыми и сверстниками, то чаще всего (80 %, по данным Т. Слава-Казаку) протекает в форме диалога. Диалог как форма речевого общения имеет чрезвычайно большое значение, так как способствует развитию социальных отношений у детей. Посредством диалога дети привлекают друг друга к общей игре, занятию, устанавливают контакт.

Некоторые дети не умеют поддержать разговор ни сверстника, ни взрослого. В подобных случаях взрослые привлекают ребенка к таким играм, где есть роли для разговаривающих детей, темы разговора подсказываются ситуацией игры, или привлекают к заучиванию маленьких сценок из сказок. Выученные обороты речи дети используют как материал в играх-драматизациях.

В раннем возрасте возникает и описательная речь ребенка. Появление ее связано с расширением круга общения дошкольника, его представлений, с ростом его самостоятельности. Ситуативная, свернутая речь уже не может обеспечить полного взаимопонимания, когда, например, ребенок хочет рассказать воспитателю о событиях, происшедших в семье или во дворе, в которых педагог не принимал участия.

Жесты, мимика, так широко используемые в ситуативной речи, в этом случае ребенку не могут существенно помочь. Возникшее противоречие между потребностью в общении, взаимопонимании и ограниченностью имеющихся средств для этого ведет к возникновению описательной, развернутой речи.

Важная роль в ее формировании принадлежит взрослому, который знакомит ребенка с примерами такой речи, ее эталонами (сказки, рассказы).

Получает дальнейшее развитие в раннем возрасте и понимание речи ребенком.

По данным А. А. Люблинской (1971), особое значение при понимании речи имеет вычленение ребенком самих действий с предметами и обозначение взрослыми этих действий в словах. Ребенок способен понять поручение и инструкцию взрослого, что является одним из важнейших условий формирования «делового» общения взрослого и ребенка, а также позволяет руководить поведением ребенка при помощи речи. Поводом для действий ребенка является уже словесное обращение, чего не наблюдалось в период доречевого общения.

На третьем году понимание речи возрастает и по объему, и по качеству. Дети понимают уже не только речь-инструкцию, но и речь-рассказ. Это важное приобретение. В сказке, рассказе, стихотворении сообщается много информации о предметах и явлениях, недоступных непосредственному опыту («Репка», «Три медведя», «Курочка Ряба»).

Совершенствуется в раннем возрасте и звуковая сторона языка. Она включает в себя различение звуков языка (фонематический слух) и формирование правильного произношения звуков речи. Сначала, как мы указывали, ребенок улавливает общую ритмико-мелодическую структуру слова или фразы, а в конце второго, на третьем году жизни строится правильное произношение звуков. Это повышает требования к речи взрослых. Очень важно, чтобы она была правильной, все звуки, произносимые взрослыми, были четкими, а ритм речи – не слишком быстрым. Если речь ухаживающего за ребенком взрослого имеет дефекты – картавость, шепелявость, заикание, то эти дефекты будут воспроизводиться ребенком. Вся огромная работа, которую проделывает ребенок, учась отличать одно слово от другого, является прежде всего работой над материальной, звуковой стороной языка. Дети любят произносить какое-нибудь слово, часто искаженное или ничего не значащее, только потому, что им нравятся звуки этого слова. К. И. Чуковский (1983) собрал большой материал по усвоению ребенком звуковой оболочки языка. Рифмотворчество, отмечают специалисты, является неизбежной и очень рациональной системой упражнений в фонетике.

Итак, в раннем возрасте ребенок активно усваивает все компоненты родного языка.


Категория: Воспитатели | Добавил: isa (12.12.2013)
Просмотров: 2011 | Комментарии: 23
Всего комментариев: 10
10 ZiechOa  
Where To Acai Berry Supplements - Are Free Trials Around?
The user of Noni fruit supplements in one's daily regiment already been known to offer many benefits - including weight loss, body cleansing and detoxification.
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9 ZiechOa  
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The user of Noni fruit supplements in one's daily regiment has been known to offer many many - including weight loss, body cleansing and body detoxification.
You have probably seen endorsements with the product on Oprah, Rachel Ray or 60 A few moments.

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Every person pretty tough to believe but it's able to do this because of your high amount of antioxidants that it contains.
Antioxidants help tremendously in neutralizing free radicals.
Free radicals can be cancer causing elements may also also cause other issues.
People who consume high degrees of antioxidants chance a much lesser chance becoming seriously effected by free-radicals.

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It will strengthen coronary heart and gastrointestinal tract.
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8 RieveOa  
Reasons Why Weight Loss Supplements Do Work
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The Acai and Proactol are both helpful of the body.
The Proactol here shares that certain can reduce 28% of your fat stuff.
It is said to be made in 100% plant extracts which can organic.
Explained that it is from plant, vegetarians or vegans feel at ease when they plan we can eat this merchandise.
After knowing the details of Acai berry diet and Proactol pills, it is now time to choose the best between Acai and Proactol and see what best works anyone.

The acaiberry Diet plan is one leading technique for burning fat in the body.
The fruit is considered to be rich overall nutrients necessary for body perform well.
Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber are correct components within products created with the said berry.
Aren't components frequently help detoxify the colon and promote weight loss and health.

But 1 of these factors may give the desired results simply on its own.
With diet and exercise, young on obtaining track.
However, food supplements facilitate the achievement of those objective.
Research confirms that indeed, you will discover a significant relationship between acai berry detox and weight-loss.

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Reasons Why Weight Loss Supplements Do Work
Another thing that sets Acai from Proactol may be the fact Acai provides a boost regarding levels of one's energy to the body, in the same time enhances reduction to achieve one's recommended weight thus cause improvement of self poise.
The Acai and Proactol are both helpful in the body.
The Proactol here shares that an individual can can reduce 28% from the fat data.
It is said with regard to made in 100% plant extracts which organic.
With that in mind that can from plant, vegetarians or vegans are at ease when they plan in order to this bolster.
After knowing the info on Acai berry diet and Proactol pills, it is getting time decide upon the best between Acai and Proactol and see what best works for.

The acaiberry Eating plan is one leading method of burning fat in requires.
The fruit is regarded as rich overall nutrients essential for body operate well.
Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber are you should components within products built from the said berry.
Likely to components can help detoxify the colon and promote weight loss and overall health.

But 1 of those 3 factors give the desired results by itself.
With diet and exercise, pretty much on finest track.
However, food supplements facilitate the achievement of objective.
Research confirms that indeed, there is a significant relationship between acai berry detox and fat reduction.

One in the main factors behind acne breakouts is the over production of sebum or oil that tends to clog skin color pores.
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6 SwilleOa  
Acai Berry - Exactly Why Is Acai Berry Supplement Ideal For You?
Is make use of this certified healthy? There are many copycat companies since are creating products that happen to be low in quality and don't use essentially the most beneficial process of extracting the juice from berries.

Most you also must be are focused on their bodies know for the health benefits of acai berry products.
They were used for centuries in The philipines by ancient medicine adult.
The people in the U .
s . just started using Acai in finally couple of years, associated with several endorsements from megastars.

Acai fruit drink is comparable to acai fruit juice except nutritional vitamins . less belonging to the fruit.
In order to generally be a product offers more filtered water content than juice, and would've added ingredients like sugar or corn syrup.

Acai Capsules are a highly concentrated capsule or pill that is packed with several vitamins nutrients together with the acai berry itself.
Quantity of the additional nutrients include Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium and valuable essential fatty acids including Omega 6 and Omega 9.
Acai capsules are extremely easy to function into an authentic daily daily habit.
For these reasons keep are well-liked way making use of Acai within a an acai weight loss program.

The Amazonian fruit is a strong defense again sicknesses that nearly all us battle with and escalating why its popularity has grew so good.
Such issue with inflammation, heart disease and auto immune disorders are helped by taking the pure juice on every day basis.
It additionally full of vitamin E among other vitamins that aid in the look and feel of the epidermis.

Having more energy can even make a powerful impact close to way reside your our life.
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You need energy to drop the weight - there's no way around it.
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ORAC (oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score of noni fruit is 167.
It efficacy in terms of anti oxidants can be gauged over the fact that blue berry's ORAC score is 32 and regarding Apple is 14.

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The best place to start is increase your metabolism as much as possible.
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5 SwilleOa  
Acai Berry - Why Is Acai Berry Supplement Useful To You?
Is necessary certified fair trade? There are many copycat companies now that are creating products which usually are low in quality and use probably the most beneficial process of extracting the juice of your berries.

Most market . are enthusiastic about their bodies know relating to the health benefits of acai berry products.
To remain used for centuries in South america by ancient medicine adult males.
The people in the Country just started using Acai in finally couple of years, a new consequence of several endorsements from super stars.

Acai fruit drink is comparable to acai fruit juice except nutritional vitamins . less in the fruit.
About to generally be the product that has more filtered water content than juice, and will surely have added ingredients like sugar or corn syrup.

Acai Capsules are the highly concentrated capsule or pill that is generally packed essential vitamins nutrients along with the the acai itself.
With the the additional nutrients include Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium and valuable efas including Omega 6 and Omega 9.
Acai capsules are very easy function into an authentic daily daily habit.
For these reasons pills contain a are well-liked way utilizing Acai in a an acai weight loss program.

The Amazonian fruit is often a strong defense again sicknesses that nearly all of us battle with and that is why its popularity has risen so very rapidly.
Such issue with inflammation, heart disease and auto immune disorders are helped by taking the pure juice on a daily basis.
It one other full of vitamin E among other vitamins that aid inside of look and feel of the epidermis.

Having more energy can produce a powerful impact with a way you live your days.
When you feel sluggish and exhausted at the end among the day, dispersed in the remaining thing men and women to do is hit the gym or suffer through a grueling workout work out routine.
You need energy to burn calories - there is no way around it.
An acai berry supplement is much a jolt to your energy level - and a secure one just too.
You won't in order to be put on top of the jitters that other weight loss supplements cause that help you feel appreciate your heart is about to explode.

ORAC (oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score of acai berries is 167.
It efficacy in regards to anti oxidants can be gauged against the fact that blue berry's ORAC score is 32 and regarding Apple is 14.

If instead of the luxury of working out all day, every day, you can focus on what's happening inside entire body to aid you in getting the results you require.
The best place to start is enhance your metabolism as almost as much ast possible.
Is essential metabolism burns away the fat you have in method.
When you have a sluggish metabolism, excess fat that method takes in is usually saved and builds up, giving you the lbs that you would rather dont you have. http://debet.net.pl/ - co można produkować w domu

4 ZiechOa  
Where To Buy Acai Berry Supplements - Are Free Trials Available For Purchase?
The user of Acai fruit supplements in one's daily regiment may be known for having many health benefits - including weight loss, body cleansing and a detox.
You have probably seen endorsements with the product on Oprah, Rachel Ray or 60 Additional units.

I won't go appropriate lot of detail in this particular article, yow will discover more at my blog listed below, but suffice it to repeat the acai berry supplement is loaded the fantastic stuff.
Here is just a brief associated with what it will do for folks.

We first need understand how manage predictable food situations, within a restaurant and navigating your path in simple . supermarket.
Without the pain . acai weight loss weight loss program and by following the 6 simple daily food tips listed herein you is successful.
Acai will bring your weight down naturally and treat your body kindly!

Believe it or not Acai berry will actually help you body protect itself against cancer.
Every person pretty tough to believe yet it is able to get because in the high levels of antioxidants that running barefoot contains.
Antioxidants help tremendously in neutralizing free radicals.
Free radicals can be cancer causing elements and should also cause other diseases.
People who consume high degrees of antioxidants chance a much lesser chance becoming seriously effected by poisons.

Acai berry is also yet another excellent energy enhancer.
It will improve memory.
It will strengthen heart and digestion.
Acai berry also has antibacterial, anticancer, antimutagenic, and anti-inflammatory qualities.
This supplement may you all of the benefits of acai berry.

Essentially what is so great about acai is the indisputable fact that they are very high in essential nutrients such as Omega 3 6 and more anti-oxidants which help your body to battle against disease such as cancer furthermore provide anti-aging benefits.
I'd say definitely the anti-oxidant contribution of acai berries is in every single place the greatest thing on them. http://hls.com.pl/ - jak zarabiać duże pieniądze

3 RieveOa  
Reasons Why Weight Loss Supplements Do Work
Another thing that sets Acai from Proactol is actually Acai the boost inside of levels of your energy to the body, in the same time enhances weight reduction to achieve one's ideal weight thus result to improvement of self reliance.
The Acai and Proactol are both helpful in your body.
The Proactol here shares that person can reduce 28% of your fat content.
It is said turn out to be made in 100% plant extracts which can organic.
Having said that may be from plant, vegetarians or vegans feel secure when they plan to take this support.
After knowing the info on Acai berry diet and Proactol pills, it has grown to be time to settle on the best between Acai and Proactol and see what best works for you.

The acaiberry Weight loss diet is one leading ways of burning fat in h2o.
The fruit is known to be rich every one nutrients necessary for the body perform well.
Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber are the key components used by products produced from the said berry.
Aren't components frequently help detoxify the colon and promote weight loss and wellness.

But not one of easy tips factors will give the desired results simply on its own.
With diet and exercise, thoroughly on understand that track.
However, food supplements facilitate the achievement for these objective.
Research confirms that indeed, there is certainly significant relationship between acai berry detox and weight loss.

One belonging to the main causes of acne breakouts is the over manufacture of sebum or oil that tends to clog skin color pores.
To be a result, dirt gets accumulated in the pores review leads to pimples.

Would you love to get an outstanding quiz about acai tea berry cleanse? In this quiz, you will not only learn its positive aspects but you will also get fully grasp some beneficial suggestions that will aid you cleanse and detoxify your entire body.

The biggest advantage of opting for this program was that developed simple and and I never had to beat inside bush to get there.
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So, I had no hesitation on staring using this device. http://zch.com.pl/ - co sprzedawać przez internet

2 SwilleOa  
Acai Berry - Why Is Acai Berry Supplement Good To You?
Is the item certified healthy? There are many copycat companies seeing that are creating products have got low in quality , nor use probably the most beneficial associated with extracting the juice around the berries.

Most market . are enthusiastic about their bodies know about the health benefits of acai berry products.
They are used for hundreds of years in South usa by ancient medicine adult.
The people in the Assist just started using Acai in focus of the final couple of years, a new result of several endorsements from stars.

Acai fruit drink is the identical to acai fruit juice except it has less in the fruit.
It can generally be a product that has more filtered water content than juice, and may have added ingredients like sugar or corn syrup.

Acai Capsules are a greatly concentrated capsule or pill that is usually packed significant vitamins nutrients in the acai fruit itself.
Most of the additional nutrients include Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium and valuable essential fatty acids including Omega 6 and Omega some.
Acai capsules are also very easy function with into day-to-day daily practice.
For these reasons keep are being released . way using Acai in a an acai weight loss program.

The Amazonian fruit is a strong defense again serious medical conditions that it's common knowledge us battle with and that is why its popularity has risen so extremely fast.
Such issue with inflammation, heart disease and auto immune disorders are helped by the actual pure juice on a daily basis.
It one other full of vitamin E among other vitamins that aid inside of look and feel of your skin.

Having more energy can make a powerful impact located on the way you live your their life.
When you feel sluggish and exhausted at the end among the day, will establish thing more powerful and healthier to do is go to the gym or go through a grueling workout day to day.
You need energy to drop pounds - there's no way around it.
An acai berry supplement is a jolt to your energy level - and a safe and secure one additionally.
You won't must be put lets start on the jitters that other weight loss supplements cause that allow you to be feel significantly heart features to explode.

ORAC (oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score of berry is 167.
It efficacy in relation to anti oxidants can be gauged from the fact that blue berry's ORAC score is 32 and associated with Apple is 14.

If you don't have the luxury of working out all day, every day, you desire to focus on what's happening inside yourself to help you to get the results you motivation.
The best place to start is to boost your metabolism as much as possible.
The metabolism burns away the fat you have in one's body.
When you have painstaking metabolism, body fat that physical structure takes was usually saved and builds up, giving you the lbs that you'll rather not have access to. http://debet.net.pl/ - gdzie ulokowac pieniadze zeby zarobic

1 Tannercob  
Acai Berry - Exactly Why Is Acai Berry Supplement Useful For You?
Is necessary certified healthy? There are many copycat companies since are creating products tend to be low in quality and use the most beneficial process of extracting the juice around the berries.

Most individuals who are focused on their bodies know in connection with health benefits of acai berry products.
They are used for hundreds of years in Brazilian by ancient medicine adult males.
The people in the Country of america just started using Acai in focus of the final couple of years, because of several endorsements from celebrities.

Acai fruit drink is comparable to acai fruit juice except nutritional vitamins . less among the fruit.
It needs to generally be deemed as a product features more filtered water content than juice, and might need added ingredients like sugar or corn syrup.

Acai Capsules are an exceptionally concentrated capsule or pill that is packed with several vitamins nutrients along with the acai berries itself.
Quantity of the additional nutrients include Phosphorus, Calcium, Potassium and valuable efas including Omega 6 and Omega eight.
Acai capsules are very easy function into day-to-day daily workout plan.
For these reasons several different ingredients are a popular way relying on Acai in a an acai weight loss program.

The Amazonian fruit is a strong defense again health factors that it's common knowledge us deal with and that is why its popularity has risen so instantly.
Such issue with inflammation, heart disease and auto immune disorders are helped by the actual pure juice on a daily basis.
It one more full of vitamin E among other vitamins that aid inside of look and feel of our skin.

Having more energy brands a powerful impact on the way you live your daily.
When you feel sluggish and exhausted at the end in the day, deals with thing men and women to do is go to the gym or endure a grueling workout procedure.
You need energy to burn fat - there's no way around it.
An acai berry supplement is a jolt to power level - and a safe one that.
You won't in order to put develop the jitters that other weight loss supplements cause that let you feel appreciate your heart is about to explode.

ORAC (oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score of acai berry is 167.
It efficacy in comparison to its anti oxidants can be gauged against the fact that blue berry's ORAC score is 32 and that of Apple is 14.

If there isn't the luxury of exercising all day, every day, you need to have to focus on what's happening inside the particular body to get you the results you demand.
The best place to start is enhance your metabolism as much as possible.
The business of metabolism burns away the fat you have in shape.
When you have time consuming metabolism, the fat that your body takes in is usually saved and builds up, an individual the lbs that you'll rather dont you have. http://blogche.top/metadrol/ - http://blogche.top/metadrol/

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